Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Hello everyone!! today is the second day my Aunt, and Grandmother are here, and were going to see the Amish peaople, and! i cant believe it was soooo nice here for a whole week or more, and right at the day my relatives were coming, it snowed...and it was like 30 degrees!!
and it's weird because, the day they are leaving it's supposed to warm up!! goodgrief!!
Terrie Black, my friend's mom, she is gonna take us to see everything...she is soooo is her daughter Kiley!!! we finally got a memory card for the digital we'll be sending pic. soon!! i cant wait to see everyone....and i get to see JJ tomorrow!!
lots of love

Monday, March 05, 2007


Hi guys it's been like FOREVER!!! well i switched my blog to the google accout...and it like messed things up!! so i couldn't figure out how to post! so now that Jordan showed me how...i can post now...DUH!
now on to my life... it's been 4 months since we've moved to PA. and it's coming along fine.
lastnight Loran and i just got back from a retreat called was sooooooo FUN! i met alot of new people and made more friends! one of my good friends i made was named Kate. i also met a guy friend named Micah! he was so fun....he's short too...LOL...i teased him alot...and so he would get mad at a good way! i went with the Currans, but they had to take our car cause we were taking other people too! i went and hung around with Loran, Laura, Ethan, shane, Owen, Jordan, and Keith! we all go to the Rose Point church! although it was very hard not to eat the food there because right now i'm dieting! my goal is to fit into a size 3 by May, cause i'm going to a Prom! also my aunt that is coming in April is bringing the dress that her daughter wore for her Prom..and the dress is of course size 3!
now back to was held at a huge castle which was very cool, i was going to take pictures but i left my camera!! UGH! i was mad!
there was a really nice game room which had 2 pool tables, a ping-pong table, and a phuseball table! i played pool alot, and won about 5 games...played round robin and won like 10, and played phuseball twice and lost!
Oh ya..and on the lastnight the whole retreat had an "Amazing Race" competition!! it was fun! i guess instead of a Stress Challenge... we had an Amazing Race!! but our team didn't win! oh well!
We had a REALLY GOOD speaker, his name is Paul Brice, or it might be Brace,i have to look on my shirt i got from the retreat, it's cool! i'm glad we get shirts to remember the retreat by!
My mom is directing a play this year, but the bad thing is it's the same one we did last year, "The Celabration of Hans Christian". but i wish i wasn't in it now, my cousin is getting married in May...and i wanted to go to the first trip of Echo! and were planning on performing it like the middle of May!!!!!! Oh..and i'm playing the same role as last years too(Goh)! so i'm really depresssed about that!! well that's about all i had to say! love you guys!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Call of Praise


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Day

Hey guys!! Today I went over to my neighbors, and rode his horse Taffy!
Although, she hasn't been riden in a while, so she was kinda wild.
But once Ethan Curran( a guy who goes to church with us) got her saddled,
and put all that weight on her, she did pretty well, then after a while, she started limping!
So we had to take her back to the barn. (Her hooves needed to be treated and cliped.)
So next time I better clean her hooves out before I ride her!
I miss you guys soooooooooooo much, I can't wait untill the 27th!!!!
Love you blogger family!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

How I Miss Home!

Hey everyone! It's been 2 days since we've moved from Indianapolis to pennsylvania!
Oh how I miss Home!! Just a second ago I was organizing my new room.(what fun!)
I actually get my own room.(with a nonworking fireplace!)
It has a beautiful mantle though, where i'm going to put my pictures!

My mom is trying to organize the kitchen ever since we moved in!(kitchens take forever!!)
My dad and my sisters are at the store buying groceries, and Luke of course is playing game cube!!
Oh, and my dad says we could get another dog! But we can't decide what breed to get?
Lacey wants a border collie, Loran wants a shelty, dad wants a mastiff(No), Luke dosn't care, mom dosn't want one,
And I want a golden retriever or a shelty!!
So ya, one of those tough descisions! Do y'all have any sugestions? But remember we are Big dog people!
I hate little dogs, except crazy jack russels!
Well I better go! I Miss you all!! can't wait to see you guys in a week or two!!!
What Lacey would say....Peace and Love everybody! Tootles!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Life is but a Vapor!!

WOW! It's been a while since i've posted!!
My ballet class is over now, we just had our recital last sat.
It went very well, i am so proud of my ballerinas!!!
UGH! This week we are packing to move to pennsyvania!!
We are also getting ready to take a trip to Arkansas this thursday!
Then when we get back, were moving to PA!! (NOOO)
Man!! This is so suden to me!!I mean I knew this day would come but...
I didn't think it would come this fast!! Life is but a VAPOR!!
Y'all pray for my family!!! Thanx, it would do us good!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fall Ministry

Hey Guys! Its been 2 days since I got back from Fall Ministry!
I had a GREAT time, and can't wait to do it again next year!
For those who are wondering, I went to camp-lafayete, with
Ellie Cutter, Ruth Enas, julia Service, Luke Long , Olric, & Trever!
But the people who went to Lafaette went on the same trip as us.
Those people are Caleb Bright, Matt, Jorden Kessler, Julie Neel,
Becca Long, Lindsay york, &, Elizabeth Enas!
Yes that was alot of people, even for a 15 passenger van!!!!!!!
For the people who went to Camp-Lafayette... that was ME, we had to stain
the Back porches they built for the boys and girles.
Then we went to Dave & Jenny Long's house to work for about an hour!
After that, the Kessler family invited us to their house for dinner. That was FUN!!
After dinner we played Basketball, and I scored 1! Our team won too!
After that we had to go to the House we were staying, and get ready for bed!
I went the Long's house with Ellie, Ruth, and, Becca.
Well that about concludes what I did for Fall ministry. Hoped everybody
had a good time wherever they went!
Talk to y'all later!

Fall Ministry

Hey Guys! Its been 2 days since I got back from Fall Ministry!
I had a GREAT time, and can't wait to do it again next year!
For those who are wondering, I went to camp-lafayete, with
Ellie Cutter, Ruth Enas, julia Service, Luke Long , Olric, & Trever!
But the people who went to Lafaette went on the same trip as us.
Those people are Caleb Bright, Matt, Jorden Kessler, Julie Neel,
Becca Long, Lindsay york, &, Elizabeth Enas!
Yes that was alot of people, even for a 15 passenger van!!!!!!!
For the people who went to Camp-Lafayette... that was ME, we had to stain
the Back porches they built for the boys and girles.
Then we went to Dave & Jenny Long's house to work for about an hour!
After that, the Kessler family invited us to their house for dinner. That was FUN!!
After dinner we played Basketball, and I scored 1! Our team won too!
After that we had to go to the House we were staying, and get ready for bed!
I went the Long's house with Ellie, Ruth, and, Becca.
Well that about concludes what I did for Fall ministry. Hoped everybody
had a good time wherever they went!
Talk to y'all later!